About Us

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What we do

Our purpose is to glorify God and unify His children by teaching biblical truth that will enable all of His people to be spiritually grounded in Christ Jesus and perfected in the faith—to prepare the way for the final establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth.


Our mission is to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the lost and needy in all communities, facilitating the transformation of those who have descended into homelessness and/or despair, providing hope, restoration, and self-sufficiency in Him—all without discrimination.

We assist men, women, and children who are in crisis and looking for life transformation. At Universal Life Church Ministries, we serve as ethical and moral stewards, leading with integrity and advocating for equality, justice, freedom, and overall, a better world.

We seek to meet people where they are and to lead them towards their God-given purpose.


We provide a diverse range of services, offering basic necessities and help in moving toward greater stability.

Recovery for Addiction and Homelessness 

We advocate for the well-being of homeless and despairing individuals ensuring that they are loved and cared for while at the same time expected to work towards self-sustaining futures.

We provide spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical support with personal accountability.

Support for Low-income Families

We provide support for men, women, and children.

For those without a house, we will be their home. For those who are alone, we will be their family. Home is much more than just a roof over your head. Home is the people, the love, and the care that is deeply rooted within us that enables us to be sufficient, functional, and whole in this world.